Friday 20 January 2012

Tradulínguas Online Shop

If you missed out on any of Tradulinguas' conferences or workshops, you can buy the CD-Rom on Tradulínguas' brand new online shop.

There is a lot of great CD-Roms with great information about Translation. To purchase you just have to contact Tradulínguas by email and follow their instruction to proceed your payment. It's very simple ...
It is a great shop for us translators!

*This article was written by Updated Words Team with permission from Tradulínguas

Tradulínguas launches its Legal Translation course

Tradulínguas has launched its Legal Translation course for 2012.  This is a 4-week course, from 7th April to 4th May. 

The objective of this course is to be a useful tool for legal translators. The participants will be able to acquire very important skills that will help them develop their knowledge. Create glossaries and many other interesting and very important aspects of Legal Translation.
The course will be conducted by Dra. Ana Soares. You can enrol until the 2nd of March. 

For more information about the costs and programme of this course, please visit Tradulínguas official brochure.

*This article was written by Updated Words Team with permission of Tradulínguas